How to Play Golf Darts: On A Dartboard | Rules | Game Play

Golf Darts is an innovative game that blends the accuracy of darts with the strategic play of golf, providing a thrilling challenge for enthusiasts at all skill levels. This game, which merges elements of two beloved sports, encourages players to target designated areas on a dartboard that represent the various holes found in golf. By adhering to a set of distinct rules and a golf-like scoring system, players engage in a test of precision and tactical thinking. Whether competing alone or as part of a team, Golf Darts offers a dynamic and engaging way to enjoy the competitive spirit of these sports. Learn how to play Golf Darts and bring an exciting twist to your game nights or social gatherings.

What Is Golf Darts?

What Is Golf Darts?

Golf Darts is a game that merges the precision and skill of darts with the scoring and structure of golf. It is played on a traditional dartboard, but instead of aiming for specific numbers, players aim for designated segments that represent the “holes” on a golf course. Each segment has a specific score associated with it, and the objective is to complete the course in as few shots as possible. Just like in golf, players can strategize their shots, taking into account the difficulty of each segment and aiming for high scores. Golf Darts offers a unique and enjoyable challenge for players of all ages and skill levels.

Golf Darts Rules

To play Golf Darts, it is essential to understand the basic rules that govern the game. The objective is to complete a course of nine “holes” on a dartboard in as few shots as possible. Each hole corresponds to a specific segment on the dartboard, and players must aim to hit that segment with their darts. The score for each segment is determined by its difficulty, with higher scores awarded for more challenging segments. Players take turns throwing their darts, and the player with the lowest score at the end of the game is declared the winner. It is important to follow these rules to ensure fair play and a competitive game.

Number of Players

Individuals or teams can play Golf Darts, making it a versatile game suitable for different group sizes. For a competitive game, it is recommended to have at least two players. However, Golf Darts can be enjoyed by a single player practicing their skills or by larger groups playing in teams. In team play, each team member takes turns throwing their darts, and the team with the lowest combined score at the end of the game wins. Whether playing individually or in teams, Golf Darts provides a thrilling and engaging experience for all participants.

Tools We Need To Play Golf On A Dartboard

Tools We Need To Play Golf On A Dartboard

To play Golf Darts, it is important to have the right equipment to ensure a fulfilling experience. The essential tools needed include a high-quality dartboard, a set of darts, and a measuring tape. Ensure you use a standard-sized dartboard constructed from robust materials to endure frequent use. The darts should be well-balanced and have sharp, replaceable tips for accurate throws. A measuring tape is necessary for ensuring the proper distance between the player and the dartboard. Investing in high-quality equipment allows players to have a genuine and enjoyable Golf Darts experience.

How To Play Golf On A Dartboard

Setting up and starting Golf Darts involves a few simple steps. Start by selecting the correct dartboard and installing it at the proper height and distance. Next, familiarize yourself with the scoring segments on the dartboard. Finally, take turns throwing darts, aiming to hit the designated segments for each hole. Monitor your scores and plan your shots to finish the course with the fewest possible attempts. Enjoy the challenge and excitement that Golf Darts offers!

Step 1: Choose The Right Dartboard

Choosing the right dartboard is crucial for a successful game of Golf Darts. Opt for a standard-sized dartboard made of quality materials to ensure durability. The dartboard should have clear and distinct segments that are easy to identify. We recommend selecting a dartboard with a layout that closely resembles a traditional golf course, with segments corresponding to different holes.

Step 1: Choose The Right Dartboard

By selecting a suitable dartboard, players can immerse themselves in the game and have an authentic golfing experience.

Step 2: Set Up The Dartboard

Step 2: Set Up The Dartboard

To set up the dartboard for Golf Darts, it is important to follow proper mounting instructions. TAttach the dartboard firmly to a wall at a height of 5 feet 8 inches from the ground. Make sure the dartboard is level and stable to avoid any interruptions during play. You should measure the throwing distance as 7 feet 9 1/4 inches from the front of the dartboard. Properly setting up the dartboard helps players establish a fair and challenging environment for the game.

Step 3: Tee Off With A Golf Club

In Golf Darts, players can metaphorically “tee off” by using a golf club before taking their shots. This adds a fun and unique element to the game. Before throwing the darts, players can mimic a golf swing with their arm to imitate a golf club swing. This action helps players focus their aim and adds a touch of golfing flair to the game. Teeing off with a golf club adds an extra layer of enjoyment to Golf Darts, combining the techniques and imagery of both sports.

Step 4: Proper Grip

Step 4: Proper Grip

Mastering the proper grip is essential for achieving accuracy and control in Golf Darts. Hold the dart with a relaxed and comfortable grip, ensuring you distribute the weight evenly between your fingers and thumb. Position your fingers near the front of the dart, using the thumb for support and stability.

Avoid gripping the dart too tightly, as this can affect your aim and release. By practicing and perfecting your grip, you can enhance your throwing technique and improve your overall performance in Golf Darts.

Step 5: Take Your Shot

Step 5: Take Your Shot

Taking a shot in Golf Darts requires a combination of technique and focus. Start by positioning yourself with a stable and balanced stance, with your dominant foot slightly ahead. Aim at the desired segment on the dartboard, focusing on a specific spot. Maintain a steady and controlled motion as you throw the dart, releasing it smoothly and following through with your arm. Practice and repetition will help you develop a consistent and accurate throw, increasing your chances of hitting the target and scoring well in Golf Darts.

See Also: How to Play Baseball in Darts


Golf Darts is played in turns, with each player taking their shots one at a time. The game progresses through the “course” of nine holes, with players aiming to hit the designated segments for each hole. Strategic thinking comes into play as players strategize their shots, considering factors like segment difficulty, previous scores, and the overall course layout. To enhance your gameplay, learning how to play Golf Darts effectively can provide valuable insights into prioritizing higher-scoring segments and adapting your aim and technique as you progress through the course. By carefully planning your shots, you can maximize your chances of achieving a low score and winning the game.

Scoring Golf Darts

Golf Darts features a unique scoring system that follows the concept of a traditional golf course. Each “hole” on the course corresponds to a specific segment on the dartboard, and players aim to hit that segment with their darts. The difficulty of each segment determines its score, awarding higher scores for more challenging segments. Let’s take a closer look at the scoring breakdown for each “hole” in Golf Darts:

Bullseye (Hole 1)

The Bullseye is the first hole on the Golf Darts course. To score in this hole, players must hit the innermost circle of the dartboard, also known as the Bullseye or the Double Bull. This segment carries the highest score in Golf Darts, typically 50 points. Achieving a Bullseye requires exceptional accuracy and precision, making it a challenging but rewarding shot.

Double 16 (Hole 2)

Hole 2 on the Golf Darts course is represented by the Double 16 segment. To score in this hole, players must hit the narrow outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 16. This segment is valued at double the number on the dartboard, meaning successful hits will earn the player 32 points. Hitting the Double 16 requires a combination of accuracy and strategy to maintain a strong score throughout the game.

Double 10 (Hole 3)

Hole 3 is represented by the Double 10 segment. Players must aim for the outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 10 to score in this hole. Successful hits in the Double 10 segment earn the player 20 points, as it is valued at double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 10 requires consistent accuracy and a steady hand to secure a competitive score.

Double 15 (Hole 4)

Hole 4 corresponds to the Double 15 segment. Players must aim for the outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 15 to score in this hole. The Double 15 carries a value of 30 points, as it is worth double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 15 requires careful aim and control to maximize scoring potential and maintain a strong position in the game.

Double 2 (Hole 5)

Hole 5 is represented by the Double 2 segment. Players must hit the narrow outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 2 to score in this hole. Successful hits in the Double 2 segment earn the player 4 points, as they value it at double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 2 requires precise aim and consistent technique to accumulate points and stay competitive throughout the game.

Double 17 (Hole 6)

Hole 6 corresponds to the Double 17 segment. Players must aim for the outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 17 to score in this hole. The Double 17 carries a value of 34 points, as it is worth double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 17 requires accuracy and focus to achieve a competitive score and maintain momentum in the game.

Double 3 (Hole 7)

Hole 7 is represented by the Double 3 segment. Players must hit the narrow outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 3 to score in this hole. Successful hits in the Double 3 segment earn the player 6 points, as they value it at double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 3 requires precise aim and consistent throwing technique to accumulate points and stay ahead in the game.

Double 19 (Hole 8)

Hole 8 corresponds to the Double 19 segment. Players must aim for the outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 19 to score in this hole. The Double 19 carries a value of 38 points, as it is worth double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 19 requires accuracy and concentration to secure a competitive score and maintain a strong position in the game.

Double 7 (Hole 9)

The final hole on the Golf Darts course is Hole 9, represented by the Double 7 segment. Players must hit the narrow outer ring of the segment labeled with the number 7 to score in this hole. Successful hits in the Double 7 segment earn the player 14 points, since they value it at double the number on the dartboard. Hitting the Double 7 requires precise aim and consistent throwing technique to accumulate points and finish the game on a high note.

Golf Dart Tips & Strategies

To improve your Golf Darts game and maximize your chances of success, consider the following tips and strategies. First, practice your aim and throwing technique to enhance accuracy and control. Experiment with different shot selections, prioritizing high-scoring segments and adjusting your aim for each “hole.” Adapt your strategy to the unique challenges of each segment, taking into account their difficulty and potential score. For more detailed techniques, including how to approach each type of throw, you might want to look into a guide on “How to Play Golf Darts.” Finally, maintain a positive mindset and focus on the game, as mental resilience is crucial in Golf Darts. By incorporating these tips and strategies into your gameplay, you can enhance your skills and enjoy a more competitive and rewarding Golf Darts experience.


In conclusion, Golf Darts offers a thrilling fusion of golf and darts, combining the precision and skill of both sports into a unique and enjoyable game. By following the rules and scoring system, players can test their accuracy, strategy, and adaptability. Whether playing individually or in teams, Golf Darts provides an engaging experience suitable for players of all skill levels.

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