How to Play Baseball in Darts: Rules | Innings | Game setup

Do you have a passion for both baseball and darts? Your interests converge perfectly in the game of baseball darts! This game offers a dynamic twist on traditional darts by integrating the strategic scoring and innings framework of baseball. “How to Play Baseball in Darts” is not just a game; This journey tests your accuracy and strategic thought. Our guide is designed to navigate you through the intricacies of the rules, the necessary equipment, and the actual play. Prepare to dive into an engaging world where darts meet baseball, providing a fresh and thrilling experience. Whether you’re aiming to sharpen your skills or looking for a fun way to spend time with friends, baseball darts are the perfect blend of challenge and entertainment.

What is Baseball Darts?

Baseball darts is a variation of traditional darts that incorporates elements of baseball. Instead of aiming for specific numbers on the dartboard, players aim for numbers corresponding to each inning of a baseball game. Much like baseball, the goal is to rack up the highest number of runs and claim victory. This engaging and demanding game demands careful aim, tactical planning, and a passion for darts as well as baseball.

The Rules of Baseball Darts

To engage in baseball darts, ensure you have a dartboard, darts, and understand the rules. Let’s dive into the rules of baseball darts to get you started.

Number of Players

Baseball darts can be played by any number of players, from individual matches to teams competing against each other. The game usually involves two players or teams, though it accommodates more participants for those who enjoy playing in bigger groups.

Number of Innings

A game of baseball darts consists of nine innings, just like a baseball game. Each inning corresponds to a specific number on the dartboard, from 1 to 9. Players will aim for the number corresponding to the current inning, trying to score as many runs as possible.

Playing Baseball Darts – What You’ll Need

Before you start playing baseball darts, make sure you have the necessary equipment. Here’s what you’ll need:

Playing Baseball Darts - What You'll Need (How to Play Baseball in Darts)

The Dartboard

A standard dartboard can be used for baseball darts, but some specialized dart boards have the baseball diamond layout on the reverse side. These dart boards have different markings and configurations that resemble a baseball diamond rather than the traditional dartboard setup. Using a specialized baseball dartboard can enhance the baseball-themed experience of the game.

The Darts

Select darts that match your play style and proficiency. Since the weight, material, and tips of darts differ, try out various options to discover the ones that offer a comfortable and stable grip. It’s important to have darts that you can throw accurately and consistently for optimal gameplay.

How to Set Up Your Game

To set up a game of baseball darts, follow these steps:

  • Dartboard Placement: Hang the dartboard securely on a wall, making sure it is at the regulation height and distance from the throwing line.
  • Player Positioning: Stand at the regulation distance from the dartboard, usually 7 feet 9.25 inches for steel-tip darts or the specified distance for soft-tip darts.
  • Coin Toss: Use a coin toss or another mutually accepted method to decide which player or team starts.

Starting the Game

To start the game of baseball darts, follow these steps:

  • Order of Play: The player or team that won the coin toss goes first. The order of play alternates between the two players or teams for each inning.
  • Throwing Darts: Each player or team takes turns throwing three darts per inning. The objective is to hit the number corresponding to the current inning and score as many runs as possible.

How to Play Baseball Darts

How to Play Baseball Darts

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play baseball darts:

  • Inning Correspondence: Each inning corresponds to a specific number on the dartboard. For example, the first inning corresponds to the number 1, the second inning to the number 2, and so on until the ninth inning, which corresponds to the number 9.
  • Score Runs: In each inning, players aim to hit the number corresponding to that inning with their three darts. Each dart that hits the target number scores runs. The scoring system is as follows: one run for each dart that hits the target number, two runs for hitting the small outer ring, and three runs for hitting the small inner ring.
  • Missed Shots: If a dart misses the target number or falls outside the scoring areas, no runs are scored for that dart.
  • Tallying Runs: Keep track of the runs scored by each player or team for each inning. Tally the runs after the ninth inning to identify the winner.

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Scoring in Baseball Darts

The scoring system in baseball darts is based on the runs scored in each inning. Here’s how the scoring works:

  • Runs: Each dart that hits the target number scores one run. Hitting the small outer ring scores two runs, and hitting the small inner ring scores three runs.
  • Missed Shots: If a dart misses the target number or falls outside the scoring areas, no runs are scored for that dart.
  • Tallying Runs: Add up the runs scored by each player or team for each inning. The player or team with the highest number of runs at the end of the ninth inning wins the game.

Baseball Darts Tips

Here are some tips to improve your baseball darts game:

  • Practice Accuracy: Focus on accuracy and consistency in your dart throws. Aim for the target number in each inning and try to hit the small outer or inner ring for higher runs.
  • Strategic Placement: Strategically aim for areas on the dartboard that can maximize your runs. For example, aiming for the small inner ring can potentially score three runs with a single dart.
  • Learn from Each Throw: Pay attention to your throws and analyze your technique. Fine-tune your grip, positioning, and throw to enhance your precision and increase your run tally.
  • Focus on the Triple Segment: The triple segment on the dartboard is the optimum scoring target. Hitting the triple segment can score three runs with a single dart, increasing your chances of scoring more runs in each inning.
  • Use the Seventh Inning Stretch: Consider adding the “Seventh Inning Stretch” rule to your game. Should a player not score any runs in the seventh inning, their total score is cut by half. This rule adds an exciting twist and puts pressure on players to perform in that inning.

See Also: How to Play Golf Darts


What Baseball Darts rules should I use when playing with teams?

When engaging in team play, the guidelines stay consistent with those for single-player matches. Each player on the team takes turns throwing darts and scores runs based on their dart placements.

What rules can I add to Baseball Darts to make the game harder or easier?

To make the game harder, you can reduce the scoring areas or increase the number of innings. To make it easier, you can enlarge the scoring areas or decrease the number of innings.

What is the bullseye in baseball darts?

The bullseye is not used for scoring in baseball darts. It is typically reserved for tie-breakers or extra innings, where the inner bullseye counts as two runs and the outer bullseye counts as one run.

How do you play the baseball game on the back of a dartboard?

Some dartboards have a baseball game on the reverse side. The rules and gameplay for the baseball game on the back of a dartboard may vary, so refer to the specific instructions that come with the dartboard.

How to play baseball darts on a special board?

Specialized baseball dart boards have a baseball diamond layout on the front side. The rules and gameplay for baseball darts on a special board are similar to those played on a regular dartboard, but with different markings and configurations.


In conclusion, Baseball Darts is an exciting and challenging game that combines the precision of darts with the scoring system and innings structure of baseball. By following the rules, setting up the game correctly, and practicing your throwing accuracy, you can have a great time playing Baseball Darts with friends and family. So gather your equipment, step up to the dartboard, and enjoy a thrilling game that fuses two beloved sports into one unique experience.

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