How Many Countries Play Baseball: Top 75 Playing Countries

How many countries play baseball?” is a question that sparks curiosity. Baseball, a sport that has gained popularity around the world, boasts millions of fans and players across numerous nations. While closely associated with the United States, baseball’s reach extends globally, making it a favorite in several countries. This article delves into the sport’s worldwide appeal, examining its history, the nations where it thrives, international competitions, and the elements driving its popularity.

History of Baseball

Baseball’s history goes back to the 18th century. While its precise beginnings are a bit murky, it’s thought to have grown from older bat-and-ball games from England. The earliest documented baseball game happened in Surrey, England, in 1749. English settlers introduced the game to North America, where it swiftly became popular and emerged as a favorite sport in the United States.

Baseball’s Origins

The origins of baseball can be traced back to England, where early versions of the game were played. With time, it developed into the sport we recognize now. The game’s initial rules and structure were developed in the United States in the mid-19th century. Baseball became particularly popular in American cities and towns, with organized leagues and teams forming across the country.

Spread of Baseball Around the World

Map of world showing countries where baseball is spreading.
(How Many Countries Play Baseball)

As the United States grew in influence and power, so did the popularity of baseball. American soldiers, traders, and missionaries played a significant role in introducing and spreading the sport to other parts of the world. Baseball began to gain traction in countries such as Canada, Cuba, Japan, and the Dominican Republic, where it quickly became a national pastime.

Is There Baseball in Europe?

Although baseball isn’t as well-liked in Europe as it is elsewhere, it still has a following in a few European countries. The Netherlands, Italy, and Spain are examples of European nations with solid baseball programs. Additionally, countries like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom also have baseball leagues and teams, although the sport may not have the same level of popularity as other European sports like soccer.

Has There Ever Been a British MLB Player?

Even though baseball is popular in the United Kingdom, no British-born player has ever been in Major League Baseball (MLB). Still, many from the UK have played in the minor leagues and other professional leagues worldwide. These British players have globally contributed to baseball, demonstrating their talent and love for the game.

List of the Countries Where Baseball is Popular

Baseball has gained a significant following in numerous countries worldwide. The sport’s international appeal is evident in the number of countries where it is played and enjoyed by fans. While the United States remains at the forefront of baseball’s popularity, other countries have embraced the sport and have developed their own leagues and players.

Here is a list of Countries Play Baseball. In theses countries baseball is popular, based on online search traffic for the term ‘Baseball’

  1. United States
  2. Dominican Republic
  3. Canada
  4. Puerto Rico
  5. Cuba
  6. Iraq
  7. Nicaragua
  8. Panama
  9. Afghanistan
  10. Venezuela
  11. Australia
  12. South Korea
  13. Philippines
  14. Taiwan
  15. New Zealand
  16. Honduras
  17. United Kingdom
  18. Costa Rica
  19. Mexico
  20. Guatemala
  21. Jamaica
  22. Italy
  23. Ireland
  24. Trinidad and Tobago
  25. Hong Kong
  26. Singapore
  27. South Africa
  28. Czechia
  29. Hungary
  30. Germany
  31. Netherlands
  32. Croatia
  33. El Salvador
  34. Norway
  35. Sweden
  36. Switzerland
  37. Pakistan
  38. Denmark
  39. Japan
  40. India
  41. Austria
  42. Indonesia
  43. Kuwait
  44. France
  45. Finland
  46. Sri Lanka
  47. Belgium
  48. Lebanon
  49. Slovakia
  50. Israel
  51. United Arab Emirates
  52. Colombia
  53. Malaysia
  54. Slovenia
  55. Portugal
  56. Estonia
  57. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  58. Greece
  59. Ecuador
  60. Spain
  61. Brazil
  62. Romania
  63. Poland
  64. Thailand
  65. Latvia
  66. Chile
  67. Argentina
  68. Lithuania
  69. Bulgaria
  70. Peru
  71. Vietnam
  72. Tunisia
  73. Saudi Arabia
  74. Russian Federation
  75. China

Top Baseball-Playing Countries

Top Baseball-Playing Countries. (how many countries play baseball)

Certain countries have not only embraced baseball as a sport but have also made it an integral part of their culture, asking “how many countries play baseball?” reveals the depth of passion these nations hold. In these places, the enthusiasm for baseball is profound, marked by a strong infrastructure of leagues, teams, and dedicated fans. This intense dedication to the sport transcends mere recreational activity, becoming a pivotal cultural identifier that underscores the unique bond between the game and its adherents.

United States

The United States, where baseball originated, has the highest participation and excitement for the sport worldwide. The Major League Baseball (MLB), with its 30 teams, is the top professional league. The sport has a rich history in the country, with iconic players and legendary moments that have captured the American imagination.

Dominican Republic

Baseball is very important to Dominicans, deeply rooted in the nation’s culture. The Dominican Republic has produced numerous talented players who have gone on to have successful careers in Major League Baseball. The passion for baseball is evident in the number of local leagues and the high level of talent that emerges from the country.


Baseball has become a national obsession in Japan, with a strong professional league and a dedicated fan base. The Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) league, Japan’s premier professional baseball league, has 12 teams. Japanese baseball players have also made a significant impact in Major League Baseball, with several players achieving great success on the international stage.


Cuba has a long and storied history with baseball. The sport is a fundamental part of Cuban society, focusing heavily on developing and training young players. Despite facing challenges due to political factors, Cuban baseball has produced some of the world’s most talented players. Cuban players have made their mark on the international stage and have achieved success in both domestic and international leagues.

Puerto Rico

Baseball has a significant presence in Puerto Rico, with a rich baseball history and a passionate fan base. The island has given rise to numerous skilled players who have stood out in Major League Baseball. Puerto Rican players have represented their country with pride in international competitions, showcasing their skills and contributing to the sport’s global growth.

Other Baseball-Playing Countries

 While the above countries have a particularly strong baseball culture, there are many other countries around the world where baseball is played and enjoyed. These countries may have varying levels of participation and infrastructure, but they contribute to the global baseball community and help expand the sport’s reach.

Is Baseball an Olympic Sport?

Baseball has had a complex history within the Olympic Games. It was included as an official Olympic sport from 1992 to 2008. Baseball was taken out of the Olympics after the 2008 Beijing Games. It came back in the 2020 Olympics (which took place in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic) in Tokyo, Japan. The inclusion of baseball in the Olympics provides an opportunity for countries to compete on the international stage and showcase their baseball talent.

International Baseball Competitions

International Baseball Competitions

There are several international baseball competitions that bring together teams from around the world. These tournaments offer a stage for countries to face off, displaying their abilities and skills. The World Baseball Classic, occurring every four years, stands out as a top international baseball event. It gathers teams from various countries and regions, all vying for the world champion title. Other notable international competitions include the Olympic Games, the WBSC Premier12, and the WBSC U-18 Baseball World Cup.

Factors Affecting Baseball’s Popularity

Different reasons can affect how popular baseball is in various places. Cultural significance plays a significant role, as countries with a deep-rooted history and passion for the sport tend to have a higher level of popularity. Infrastructure and facilities also play a crucial role, as countries with well-established leagues and high-quality facilities are more likely to attract players and fans. Economic factors, such as resources and accessibility, can also influence the popularity of baseball in a given country.

Growth and Development of Baseball Worldwide

Efforts are being made to promote the growth and development of baseball worldwide. Organizations like the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) work to expand the sport’s reach and provide support to developing baseball programs. Efforts like coaching workshops, programs for young players, and global tournaments help increase the sport’s popularity worldwide. Baseball is continuously evolving and adapting to the changing landscape of the sports world, ensuring its relevance and appeal to future generations.

The Future of Baseball on the Global Stage

The future of baseball looks promising, with the sport continuing to gain popularity and expand its global footprint. The increasing number of countries playing baseball, the growing participation in international competitions, and the development of young talent all contribute to the sport’s bright future. While challenges and obstacles may arise, the passion and dedication of baseball enthusiasts worldwide will continue to propel the sport forward.


Is baseball a worldwide sport?

Yes, baseball is played in countries all over the world and has a global following.

What is the total number of countries where baseball is played?

There are over 133 countries that actively participate in baseball as members of the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC)

How many countries play in the baseball World Series?

The World Series is a championship series in Major League Baseball (MLB) between two teams, typically from the United States. However, international players from various countries may be part of the competing teams.

How many countries have professional baseball teams?

Several countries have professional baseball leagues, such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, and a few in Europe

Which country is considered the birthplace of baseball?

The United States is widely recognized as the birthplace of baseball, with the sport’s development and popularity originating in the country.


In conclusion, the question of “how many countries play baseball?” highlights the sport’s impressive global reach. Baseball has established itself as a worldwide phenomenon, with countries across different continents fostering and nurturing their own baseball traditions. The sport’s rich history, significant international competitions, and the diverse factors contributing to its popularity have all played a part in its expansion and charm. As baseball continues to expand its horizons and win over new fans globally, the anticipation grows for more countries to embrace this beloved sport. Whether in the United States, the Dominican Republic, Japan, or any of the numerous baseball-loving nations, the universal affection for the game shines through, uniting people across the globe.

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