How Many Baseballs Are Used in a Game: Series & Seasons

Have you ever wondered about the number of baseballs used in a game? The answer is more complex than it appears. This article explores the intriguing world of baseballs, uncovering the truth about the number used in a Major League Baseball (MLB) game. We’ll explore everything from the preparation process to the factors affecting their usage, giving you a thorough understanding of the role baseballs play in America’s favorite pastime.

How Many Baseballs Are Used in an MLB game?

How Many Baseballs Are Used in an MLB game? (How Many Baseballs Are Used in an MLB game?)

During an MLB game, a surprising number of baseballs are used. On average, a single game typically uses between 84 and 120 baseballs. The exact number may vary based on various factors such as game duration, weather conditions, and ballpark policies. This high turnover of baseballs is due to a combination of factors, including home runs, foul balls, and the preference of pitchers for fresh balls.

See Also: How to Make a Baseball

Do they reuse baseballs in MLB?

Contrary to expectations, MLB games do not reuse baseballs. Once used, they remove the ball from play and replace it with a new one. This practice ensures that each ball keeps its structural integrity and meets league standards. Moreover, they immediately discard and replace any ball that contacts the dirt surface to prevent unfair advantages or changes to the ball’s flight trajectory during gameplay.

How many baseballs are prepared for one game?

Before every game, they prepare and set aside a significant number of baseballs for use. The exact number varies, but typically, they prepare about 1,550 baseballs for a single day’s workouts, bullpen sessions, and batting practice. They subject these balls to a detailed preparation process to ensure they’re in the best condition for gameplay. They individually wrap and inspect each ball to meet MLB’s rigorous standards. See Also: How to Score a Baseball Game

How often are baseballs replaced during a game?

Teams often change baseballs during a game to maintain their quality and integrity. On average, a baseball stays in play for about 1.5 pitches before teams switch it out. The rate of replacement varies based on the ball’s condition, the pitcher’s preference, and different gameplay situations. Pitchers sometimes request a new ball every few pitches for better grip and control, while umpires replace scuffed or discolored balls to ensure fairness.

Why do umpires throw out baseballs?

Umpires play a crucial role in ensuring the fairness and integrity of the game. They have the authority to remove baseballs from play under specific circumstances. Rule 3:01 of the MLB states that no player should intentionally damage or discolor the ball. They implemented this rule following a tragic incident in 1920, where a pitch using a scuffed ball fatally struck a player. Umpires enforce this rule by throwing out baseballs that show signs of intentional damage or alteration, ensuring a level playing field for all teams.

An Baseball player complaining to umpire, and 3 other umpries looking at them.

Why do they go through so many baseballs?

A baseball player surprisingly watching on  number of baseball in baseball

Several factors lead to frequently replacing baseballs during an MLB game. The intensity of the game leads to players hitting many foul balls and home runs, which often causes balls to become lost or hit out of play.Additionally, pitchers have a preference for fresh balls, as they provide better grip and control. This, combined with the rigorous standards set by the MLB, necessitates the frequent replacement of baseballs to ensure fair gameplay.

Balls may be removed by rule

Under specific rules, officials may remove baseballs from play in certain situations. For instance, umpires remove a ball from play if it becomes discolored, scuffed, or damaged during gameplay, to maintain fairness. They have the authority to decide this and ensure the game uses only balls in optimal condition.

See Also: How to Throw a Baseball for Beginners

Balls may be removed by discretion

Players and umpires can also remove baseballs from play at their discretion, beyond the rule-based removals. For example, when a ball goes into the stands and becomes irretrievable, they take it out of play and introduce a new ball. This ensures that the game can proceed smoothly without any delays or interruptions. Additionally, pitchers may request a new ball if they feel that the current one is not suitable for their pitching style or grip.

Balls that never get into the game

Game officials prepare a significant number of baseballs for a game, but not all of them reach the field. Teams use balls not used during the game for various purposes. They save some for batting practice or send them to minor league teams for training. Moreover, officials or collectors may preserve baseballs autographed by players or those with significant historical value as memorabilia or display them in the Hall of Fame.


The bullpen is an essential area in baseball where pitchers warm up before entering the game.During this warm-up period, they actively use baseballs, enabling pitchers to refine their throwing motion and enhance their arm strength. The bullpen serves as a crucial space for pitchers to fine-tune their skills before taking the mound.

Batting practice

Batting practice is a vital part of a player’s preparation before a game. During batting practice, they extensively use baseballs to mimic game situations and help batters improve their hitting technique. This practice not only helps batters improve their skills but also contributes to the overall development and preparation of the team.


Fans and collectors alike highly value baseballs autographed by players. These autographed baseballs become cherished memorabilia, symbolizing memorable moments in the game’s history. Whether caught during a significant game or signed by a favorite player, these autographed baseballs occupy a special place in the hearts of baseball enthusiasts.

What does MLB do with used baseballs?

After an MLB game uses a baseball, it undergoes several processes. The team or league sells some used baseballs as memorabilia, offering fans the chance to own a piece of the game. These baseballs come with authentication and often a certificate of authenticity. Teams or organizations recycle or repurpose other used baseballs for different needs, like batting practice or minor league training. This process extends the lifecycle of a baseball beyond its field time, ensuring that each ball serves a meaningful purpose even after a game. See Also: Average Length of MLB 2024

How Many Baseballs Are Used in a Game (What does MLB do with used baseballs?)

Factors Influencing the Number of Baseballs Used

Several factors influence the number of baseballs used in a game. Weather conditions can play a significant role, as wet or muddy conditions may result in more frequent ball replacements. The duration of the game also affects the number of baseballs used, as longer games naturally require more ball replacements. Additionally, ballpark policies and preferences of individual players and teams may contribute to variations in the number of baseballs used during a game.

How Many Baseballs Are Used in An Entire Season

How Many Baseballs Are Used in a Game (How Many Baseballs Are Used in An Entire Season)

When considering the number of baseballs used in an entire MLB season, the statistics can be staggering. Major League Baseball teams alone use more than 900,000 baseballs each season. This number does not account for additional baseballs used in practice, spring training, or the postseason. Rawlings, the official supplier of MLB baseballs, estimates that they produce over 2.4 million baseballs for the league annually.

How much do MLB baseballs cost?

MLB baseballs cost approximately $7 each, excluding shipping. This cost adds up considering the large number of baseballs used throughout a season.

How many balls do umpires carry?

Umpires typically carry multiple baseballs during a game to ensure a smooth and continuous flow of play. The specific number may vary based on the umpire’s preference.

How many baseballs are used in a 9 inning game?

An MLB game lasting 9 innings typically uses between 84 and 120 baseballs on average. The specific number may vary based on various factors such as gameplay. situations and weather conditions.

Who supplies the baseballs for each game?

Rawlings is the official supplier of baseballs for Major League Baseball. They have been manufacturing baseballs for the league for many years.

What happens to all the balls that they throw out of a game?

After a game throws out baseballs, they enter various processes. Some become memorabilia for sale, while teams recycle or repurpose others for training.

What does MLB do with baseballs that hit the dirt?

Teams typically discard and replace baseballs that touch dirt during a game with fresh ones. They may repurpose some of these discarded baseballs for batting practice or send them to minor league teams.

Has a game ever run out of baseballs?

While it is rare, there have been instances where games have run out of baseballs due to a high number of foul balls, home runs, or other factors. In such situations, they bring in additional baseballs to ensure the game can continue.


The number of baseballs used in an MLB game is surprisingly high, with an average of 84 to 120 baseballs used per game. These balls are meticulously prepared and replaced throughout the game to maintain fairness and ensure optimal gameplay. Factors such as weather conditions, gameplay situations, and individual preferences contribute to the high turnover of baseballs. Once used, baseballs may be sold as memorabilia, recycled, or repurposed for training purposes. The quantity of baseballs utilized throughout an entire season is staggering, highlighting the significant role these iconic balls play in America’s favorite pastime. So, the next time you watch a baseball game, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the countless baseballs that make each game possible.

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